Genre: "Emo"
49 Songs:
Title: Desperate Times, Desperate MeasuresAlbum: Lost in the Sound of SeparationArtist: UnderoathYear: 2008
Title: I Didn't Say I Was Powerful, I Said I Was a WizardAlbum: Bone Palace BalletArtist: ChiodosYear: 2007
Title: I Write Sins Not TragediesAlbum: A Fever You Can't Sweat OutArtist: Panic at the DiscoYear: 2005
Title: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)Album: Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeArtist: My Chemical RomanceYear: 2004
Title: King For A Day (ft. Kellin Quinn)Album: Collide with the SkyArtist: Pierce the VeilYear: 2012
Title: SingAlbum: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous KilljoysArtist: My Chemical RomanceYear: 2010